
Chin up and looking far
I direct my slow first step.
Shaky for fear but confident and hopeful
It happens
And the situation has already changed.
Don’t think, just move.


Warmed up and restored
My work is paced by steamy cups
And chitchats
That Embellish intervals of expectation
For the next step.


Hormones in the air and tick-eting laptops
Behind coffee cups
Tell me this is university and anything is possible.
Young questions are possible
and always waiting for you
If your heart does not reach adulthood.


My inner valley is crowded
Of angry and righteous echoes
But no exit is found
And the energy builds up
To feed stubbornness and mental rollercoasters.
The exit is found and the gate is open
Over a profound burst of power.


Caught up by the lab turmoil
I end up in situations I can’t control
And do not realize.
Taken by surprise
Rapidly search for my thin shield
When a sword would be my choice.

Ah ah

Everybody laughs and dies a bit inside
Thanks to your loud senseless sexist humor.
Many makes can stupidity have
Yours is comedy,
The lowest one
With no imagination or word game.
An airy circle will form
Around you
Amber I will watch it.


When the fear sets in
Reasoning is a far weak flame
Fighting timid to set a luminous fire
To restore control and confidence.
Patience and focus are rewarded.


Hypnotized by the changing lights
I forget this is a meeting
And dream of northern lights
And traveling north
to the land where I am asexual
And my words build my credibility.

Manuscript zone

The blank manuscript on front of me
Initiate my travel to the zone
Of connections with no turns
And statistical facts with hidden fascinations.
In a line they arrange,
And the tale of this manuscript
Takes shape
To project quantitative results
In the light of passion
And scientific curiosity.


Pretty of scientific doubts
I lie thoughtless in the office,
Where are my results?
Are they meaningful?
Imaging reviews and critical questions,
My whole theory collapses
in fear and awe
While doubting myself.


Go far and you will find
Your question mark
To haunt.
Adrenaline and fear will rush
While your steps will start
To be longer and longer
For a closer and closer
Destination of clarity.


Flowers and light in a ray

decorate my corner

bringing life in an office of intensity and cramps.

Learning the antique art

of pronouncing  monosyllables

I forecast a bright future and move the first step

pink revolution

Pink and purple

will invest my office like a breeze

or warmth and freespeech.

Innovation starts by doing things differently

and no greyzone is allowed

in my timid heart and brave mind.


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