
The feeling of loss,
Dissolved in water,
Turbulent worthless water
Produces richness and value
In my little salty being.


Stick to me because of nature,
Years passed and we grew together,
Always more compatible.
My little hands recognize you,
Refusing the others
While we give life to a new superior entity.


Give me oxygen, I cannot breath
Shake me more, shake me faster
Here you are little molecule
I found you.


On the edge of micrograms
I observe this world
And wonder what matters,
What makes a difference.

Laccase me

Thinking blue, thinking copper,
I sink in rings and oxygen bubbles.
How to describe perfect coordination?
Little hands hold the ion,
Tiny rings lay in you,
And magic happens.


A life of rationality is laid by straight questions and sharp answers.
All is planned and the future holds no secret,
For those who live in the lab.
Poked by freedom and creativity,
We follow our instinct and vague experience,
To lift the carpet of discoveries.


Spot the top taste,
Divide the deluding dichotomies,
To tell a tale of lucid technology.
Welcome the reader, put your tools on the table,
and paint your discoveries with only straight lines and rigid angles.
They will read it, they will reason it,
It will happen.

Struggle is my name

Words that tell the truth
But they are not complete
Fall unheard by the students.
Correlations with no soul
Align to my desire.
What is true, what is real?
I open my eyes and become aware
Of value and significance.

Alone in the lab

Stars outside sneak through the blinds
Curious of my flame.
Frenetic and yawning I focus
On the fire and on my hands.
Tiptoeing among the tubes
Double thinking all my movements
Rejecting sleep and doubts
I slowly proceed.

Colony picking

Rescue me from a world of mutants,
you don’t see my beauty and my uniqueness.
Filled with potential here I lie.

On the way to the lab

The sun is shy today
And clouds seem to buffer
The full potential of a day in the lab.
Trepidation takes me there,
Expectations drive my walk to the bench,
Reasoning on unheard hypotheses
Excites my ego and hurries my hands.

Manuscript core

Spell, correct, abbreviate,
Own the judgment,
Respect the community.
Formulas and curves to embrace,
Hypotheses and deductions that drive,
To uncover the hidden beauty of nature.

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