Daisy lesson

The rain is coming
And the daisy closes its petals
Waiting patiently for the good day.
Nature tells the way.
Let time pass,
And stay closed
Looking inside
For the turmoil to be over.

Cycle of life

The cycles of life
Repeat and renew
Leaving a scar and a nod.
A cycle for a new job,
A cycle for the true love,
A cycle to acquire confidence
And enjoy it for a while.
Each time you are thrown
Into the stage of new circus
And wonder when the next cycle will start.

Novels of today

Majestic are the little things
That Each day I do not expect
And encounter behind my door.
A regular life
Dotted with tiny adventures.
I let myself get surprised
By the man whose past nobody knows
And by the driver who takes the bus through the city
With shocking pink nails.
A smile is behind the corner,
A story is sitting nearby.

Living echo

I am savage today
Like the echo of your actions
Amplified and dissipating.
Your touch of anger
Becomes tight fingers
and hopeless tears.
Your tender hug
Comes straight
And gets amplified in the imaginary future
only I am allowed now to see.

Reality hit

Reality hits you
like a pan on the face
when you walk quietly home
or wait for a bus you do not care about.
You will feel its hit
making your eyes wet
and a sad version of your your future
come into focus.
Your legs will rebel and you will search for alternatives
from that moment on.

Movement start

Reward me with a tea
Made from free mountain herbs
For my independence.
Return my kindness
With a freshly baked cake
That your hands crafted in liberty.
Move your eyes to follow my anguish
And surprise me with a message
Made of five words that do not rhyme.
Start a movement
and you will never feel in the corner.

Patented attitude

I have a patented rule
To let time pass and enrich
While the world thoughts around me.
The power of distraction
And the potential of absurdity
Are my companions
To spice up days
With no deserved strain.

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