Communication evolution

I train my fingers
Tipping and spreading words
Each day.
Strong and powerful,
My fingers reflect my activities
Or my priorities.
Communication passes through the fingers,
words acquire value,
A few can still listen.

Privacy respect

I thrive for communication,
Yet i fear the overdose.
Attacks from messages,
instant and always urgent,
Are invading my time.
Emails respect boundaries
And leave the time to you
When they are distilled as drops
And no river breaks the boundaries.

Meeting drama

Communication is a word understood
Buy all but always in a personal way.
I thrive for communicating smartly
And you lose yourself in intro and acknowledgments,
Slowly building distance and disrespect.
The air gets dense
and the faces tense in masked attention.


Small icons summarize my feelings
In strings of text
Become insufficient.
My complex emotions
are condensed in a single character
In an instant
While the time spent to process them
Becomes the real value.

Big ideas, small hands

I am a speckle of dust
Filled with ambition and clear thinking
Shivering its small size.
How to translate what is boiling in me
Into a recipe and a spoon
To feed the curious world?

Moving on

You tell me to move on
Without complaining
Not to ruin the image of your reality.
I will step out
But my opinions are sacred,
Laid in a basket inside me,
And they will be written if not told.
Reality passes quietly and silent
and I needed time to give a name
to all the happenings.
I hate labels but they give the right words
to tell the story
I do not want to forget.

Graphic idea

Scatter on the paper
Those ideas and thoughts
that kept you awake.
Poke your inner child
and put them in graphics
With simple lines and basic colours.
A sentence of seven parts
Can delineate your message.

Empty drawer

What makes you great
might have a dark face
And a spicy story to tell.
All proud speakers
Hide an actor and a drawer of doubts.
My drawer will be emptied soon
Hiding words, arms and paper
And my shoulders will rise
Free to move and energetic like a bird in spring.

Phone call

I am swimming in your words
Though they come through a chord
From far far away.
The flow of information
Is no Caribbean sea that lulls me
And sustain my body.
I am drowning in your sentences
And only imagination
Lets the time pass with no effort or mark.

Unheard reality meeting

You opened the valve
With discretion and assertiveness
and your opinions were released and
Like a laser rainbow crossed the meeting room.
Everybody heard the reality you revealed
And agreed with their faces
Yet nobody picked the comment up
And your reality was dismissed.

Communicating for you

Communication appears essential
When what you research daily
is uncommon
and has a shine for your eyes
No other people can see.
Selecting the words is the job
And depicting them in images
You will fill the white pages
With memories and sensations
Others live on holidays
And you feel in the lab
When nobody is watching
And your results emerge.

Happiness in the lab

Professional happiness
Does not reflect in your life outside the lab.
Topics of research are specific peculiar issues
Of almost no importance to those who cross your way
Or share your restaurant.
Telling life a tale your work to a fresh new ear
Brightens up your spirit of young scholar
And reactivates your brain from its winter sleep.


Spot the top taste,
Divide the deluding dichotomies,
To tell a tale of lucid technology.
Welcome the reader, put your tools on the table,
and paint your discoveries with only straight lines and rigid angles.
They will read it, they will reason it,
It will happen.

On the way to the lab

The sun is shy today
And clouds seem to buffer
The full potential of a day in the lab.
Trepidation takes me there,
Expectations drive my walk to the bench,
Reasoning on unheard hypotheses
Excites my ego and hurries my hands.

Manuscript core

Spell, correct, abbreviate,
Own the judgment,
Respect the community.
Formulas and curves to embrace,
Hypotheses and deductions that drive,
To uncover the hidden beauty of nature.

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