Privacy respect

I thrive for communication,
Yet i fear the overdose.
Attacks from messages,
instant and always urgent,
Are invading my time.
Emails respect boundaries
And leave the time to you
When they are distilled as drops
And no river breaks the boundaries.


The word of the day is long and winding
As a whole life travel can be.
I am climbing this Everest in flip-flop
And years have passed
And yet I am restarting
to educate the old new new people
I hate.

Meeting drama

Communication is a word understood
Buy all but always in a personal way.
I thrive for communicating smartly
And you lose yourself in intro and acknowledgments,
Slowly building distance and disrespect.
The air gets dense
and the faces tense in masked attention.

Living echo

I am savage today
Like the echo of your actions
Amplified and dissipating.
Your touch of anger
Becomes tight fingers
and hopeless tears.
Your tender hug
Comes straight
And gets amplified in the imaginary future
only I am allowed now to see.


Those eyes whisper my reward
After an intense day of fight.
They secure my hugs and promises
for the future.
Many hours waiting for this moment
of appreciation and safety
In our home.

Anger for you

A fire, sudden like fever,
Is lit in response
To your little respect
And gratuitous lessons.
I know my business,
I know arrogant people,
I am learning self respect,
I know a No hidden behind a stream of words.

Respect time

Respect is slow
It eats time for years
Yet it can vanish in an instant.
When the respect is on
Colours are vivid
Silence is the key
And the community is at peace,
Yet on the brink
Each second.

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