Daisy lesson

The rain is coming
And the daisy closes its petals
Waiting patiently for the good day.
Nature tells the way.
Let time pass,
And stay closed
Looking inside
For the turmoil to be over.

Time magic

Let the time pass,
Let your ideas and feelings brew
In solitude.
Time values and discards
Leaving you with a taste of a fantastic present.


Those eyes whisper my reward
After an intense day of fight.
They secure my hugs and promises
for the future.
Many hours waiting for this moment
of appreciation and safety
In our home.

Art in the lab

Hard life in they lab
Where hard materials and soft dreams
are tested
I don’t feel I deserve
Your pastel smiles and encouragement
When my data are a Pollock
And my protocol a rollercoaster.
Be there and keep quiet
To watch the show.


One, two, three times you can wait
With the finger on the watch
But this will stop.
Patience is the key
but also a golden coin
To spend for those who waste not
Your time.

Lab day

Another day has passed
Through my clicks and my printings
In the busy lab
Who looks forward.
Lab animals feed on planning the future
And snack on tiny bites of promising mistakes
While the mission proceeds.

Pacing independence

I pace the institute
With restless steps
Leading nowhere.
Regular and focused
They fill the time
Until the age of knowledge will come.

Job interview

You threw your ball
To the distracted crowd
And wait now for it
To be in the air
It flies back to you
Sometimes covering the reassuring sun
Covered in possibilities and maybes.

Listening talent

The talent of listening
Can be trained and domesticated
Giving us the possibility of enjoying
The efforts of others.
Listen to their stories
Or think about yourself and your daily struggle
Until you find yourself daydreaming
And time has passed.

Data speaking

Don’t ask others for advices but
Wait until you can give the best one to yourself.
In silence suspend the judgement
And keep the tempting conclusions at bay.
Keep hanging and enjoy the feeling
Of surprise
For the unseen stranger reality
Your data tell you.

Waiting and incubating

Incubate for ten minutes,
the protocol says
and condemns you
to the shortest endless waiting of your life.
Time is not linear anymore
And accelerate towards the end
When your hands are impatient
And tipping on the bench
Like on a visionary piano.

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