Winter darkness

What tickles my mind

in this dark winter day?

Worries of career, fears of loneliness

This undetermined future of ours

Join forces and seed doubts.

I drop my anchor

In the small achievements in my wallet

And those tiny ideas shining in the dark.

Christmas saldo

Stepping in the icy air,

This Christmas hours my face

And wakes the memories

Of a whole year


A mosaic of feelings

and events to drop in silence

Lay behind the steps made

for the future.

Sneaking out

Even today you can

Break free

Through the little break in their attention.

In that second others ignore,

You will change your path

And will never feel

Imprisoned on a sunny day

In a fruitless office.

Minutes distillation

Sitting and staring at the landscape
I don’t value these minutes
That can hand out joyful ideas
And first steps
For a new direction.
The train accelerates,
I slow down

Open window

What comes through the window
Is a gift and a tool
That chances and love
Send you today.
I have only a Narrow breeze
That can cross
And the empty air can still
Make me close my eyes and
Bear natural freshness.

Pension hunt

I cannot imagine myself
In thirty years
When i will have done my job
And pension will knock.
I hardly now envision what job
will require thirty years
And my will.

Good news

Like a blinded moth
I spin around in the middle air
Turning turning with no way to stop.
The excitement captured me
And I live the moment
With its silly giggles and ambitious prospects
For the future.

Dear friend

I know you are connected to my heart
Even miles from here
And on another country.
Surrounded by factories,
You can feel my call,
When the routine gets boring
And the heart heavy.

Live love

Your caring surprises me
Today like every day
When I swim hard to float
And your love lifts me
In a second.
I hug you nonstop
And project my wishful thinking
For a future for two
Sprinkled with serious excitement
And old beginnings.

Reality hit

Reality hits you
like a pan on the face
when you walk quietly home
or wait for a bus you do not care about.
You will feel its hit
making your eyes wet
and a sad version of your your future
come into focus.
Your legs will rebel and you will search for alternatives
from that moment on.

Personal seat

Gracious with your thin arms,
You search your reserved seat
in this world
That makes preferences and fights
personal enemies.
Your request is legit
But the effort is unusual to your muscles
And only time can guarantee you
A fit.

Mind juice

Squeeze your mind
In the bright day
and observe the drops on the table.
The red line of your everyday
Is condensed and finally clear.
Dried it leaves your successes behind.

Physics of time

It turns and comes back
Today, tomorrow, whenever I watch
This situation of stall
That keeps me wandering and idle.
Time is circular
When problems are involved
And very linear when moving forward is difficult.
Get this physics.

Mode of action

It is the right time to switch mode of action
And operate differently
Towards the others and your passion.
Control your hands and weigh the richness of their movements
Not to distract the ideas being born
After so much struggle.
A change of focus is recommended,
While envisioning the future
Illusionary Stability.

Control travel

I contract my muscles
Crunching over control
Of little Excel cells and tiny data points.
The scenario they picture
Is the natural reality
Or the translation of my expectations?
With a joyful papercup of Black tea in my hand
And a backpack of numbers and theories,
I travel through unseen possibilities and questions that hide treasure doors.

No Limits

The limits of a repetitive and recurrent nature
Are confronted with the infinity of the molecules
Orchestrating a bigger design
As crowded modern cities
Fit in single statistical values.
Find your scale, find your limits,
Start pushing.

Angry present

The sun shine
But my fire is on
Angry and avid as ever.
Angry for the undetermined present,
Avid for the slowly coming future,
Both out of reach
Although in sight.

Gamer wish

Hop hop over your accelerating heart,
Hop hop over the dark thoughts of a terrible outcome,
Bounce from idea to conclusion
And have fun
Passing the levels of this living video game.
Fluo colours and sharp edges
Define the levels of no different value
Where you illuminate new routes
After a long time.

Personal ripening

Refrain from participation,
Observation is the highest way of learning
And critical assessment.
Preserver your opinions
And let them ripen
Far from the others’ sight.
Golden and juicy
You will enjoy them in solitude.

Solo thinking

I am Made stupid by the competition
And the painful comparison
With people by the different talents.
Freedom is in the solo thinking
And in the attention and consideration
For yourself.


I drop weight,
I drop a baggage full of past
With a rancid taste.
Walking slowly I can pick flowers
for a hopeful basket.

Future in the rain

Pointy and curious
The rain pokes my face
On a Monday of busy with procrastinating
My future.
Don’t stop,
It keeps me awake
and anchored to the present,
The only certain thing I have.

Job interview

You threw your ball
To the distracted crowd
And wait now for it
To be in the air
It flies back to you
Sometimes covering the reassuring sun
Covered in possibilities and maybes.

Last year

Another year left to the wind
To reach the land
After the mountains.
Time is a bike
That takes you and drops you off
When you feel safe and in charge.

Outreach research

How to, is never a question
When the idea sweeps you away.
Sunny or rainy, cold or hot,
The world
And you see only the future
In front of you.
The imagination flies free
And experiments are quick
Telling stories that fascinate the society
And provide talks over the coffee.

Sleepy me

Sleepy me,
Travelling through the rain
And wishing a quiet meaningful future.
Yawning nonstop
As a self cuddle available everywhere,
Even on the train.

Window opening

The skyscraper is empty
When the dark falls inside and outside.
Alone at the desk,
Thoughts chase each other
And your will to open that window
Escaping or expanding
Towards the new
Is so refreshing.

March promise

A cold March awaits me
With those young pointy flowers
that stars at me curious during my walks.
A whole brought season in front,
The do not look back to the cold winter
And happily channel their energy
To shine this year.
No promised result, no guaranteed next year, only one year more.

Leaping decision

The thought of the big leap
Had been tormenting me
In the day and under the stars.
Its weight was growing
and my shoulders becoming tired.
The weight has been lift
Without pain
By spontaneity and surprise.
When the leap is meant to be yours
You know the right words
At any time.


Commitment is a sauce
That sticks around you
And in which you can sink.
Mystery lies in how to Commit
Just fort a while
And keep looking outside the window
To the horizon to explore.

Chance in the illogical

Tell me your secret
To enjoy the moment
When the plan diverts and the reality is illogical.
The shivering is sudden
And search for an explanation instantaneous.
A million doors are open at the moment
And you feel your chance has finally arrived.

Seasons to pass

Fascinated by the sharp seasons
Alternating outside the lab window
I wonder how many seasons are needed
To ripen a scientific mind.
When questions turn into action
And words follow the ideas
It is ready.

Painting research

Trust me when I say
Tomorrow holds no final result.
The move you made today
will take you forward
Maybe a step maybe a mile
But the final is out of sight.
Today and tomorrow will merge
And your silent efforts will translate
In a stroke of brush
On a painting that will never reach
The final version.
You watch it from too close now,
You cannot create it alone,
But you will see it the day you dare to drift back.

Question marks path

Walking head-up my way
on this path of question marks
No fixed point is here to grab.
Stability and support is found
In the answers you reach
By reading, asking, experimenting, doubting
And feels like running fast on a trembling rope.

Look ahead

Head up, looking straight
I don’t feel the ground anymore
And I am projected in the future.
Motor on, glasses clear,
The gear is ready
But the destination far,
Unknown and magnetic
Pulling everyday one inch more.

Canvas of squibbles

A chaotic world of talking people
Around you
A blank squared canvas of running squibbles
Inside your heart.
A line, a number, a scheme
Appear and leave on the paper
Waiting for polishing and consideration.
What survives the forgetful passing of time
Becomes your action plan
And your next exploration in the lab.


Memorise the path
But do not look back
Because only the future is under your influence.
Old results are set
And no new hypothesis can affect them.
New ideas shootout
when you are not watching
But You will be present
To guard their evolution
With Excitment.

A single experiment

Tired days go by
While the perspective changes
And shows desirable scenarios for the future.
The questions of yesterday
Have found their answer
But left new doors open.
A single experiment
Cannot solve everything
As it can hardly feed my greedy monster
For a day.

Snail 2

The snail is the animal
Who hides the success in its closed house
And silently surprises everybody.
With the colours of nature
And the belly that holds the world,
The snail tours the planet
Unobserved by the crowd.
Carrying its safety on its back,
The snail is always afraid
of an imminent disaster,
Yet it proceeds at its own speed
Towards the unknown on hold.

Thank you

Thank you for the music
That paced my moves and my moonwalks
Through the lab.
Thank you for the space
That rapidly filled with ingredients
of unheard potions.
Thank me for my energy
That gave hypotheses a room in this world
And for my vision
That saw the value of a future step
In a lonely direction.


My monster wants to look forward
It craves for novelty and answers,
For stories well told.
I feed it articles and newspapers,
The opulence of the Internet makes him choke.
It rests when my questions are set
And written down for walking to tomorrow.


Always looking forward and nothing is enough
is the trap that takes the flavour away
from your pizza and the chat with your colleague.
A slow typing day, a smooth never-ending coffee,
and a thorough look out the window
gives the time to breath
and find a new horizon.



A new philosophy arises
On the way to work,
On my expectations and demanded achievements.
Not every day is a success
And I sip frustration even more often
But I will keep on working
And approach this desk everyday
because tomorrow is coming
And I am so curious.


Yearning silence and a thoughtless mind
I closer my eyes and feel the sun
On my tired old face.
It is a moment only
The one I strive for
Of warmth and cleanliness

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