Time break

The importance of events Is measured in the time They demand from us. Taking the time Is standing still And yet it is hard. Allowing ourselves experiences is a luxury And a lesson to learn We all owe to our selves Running everyday In fields of discomfort.

Out of the fog

Treasures are rarely measured In weight or currency And finding them is all but a waste of energy. I walk away with empty hands and a book full of lessons and experiences. Those words spent in a rush With no intended importance In an unplanned setting Are the ones I will remember And I will… Continue Reading →

Microscope creation

In the ready of light The importance of the fluorescent dots Is in your eye and mind. The microscopic world is alive and jumping Into a new dimension you produced With experience and passion. Big plans and long thinking processes turn small into organisms and lines Nobody has seen before.

Happiness in the lab

Professional happiness Does not reflect in your life outside the lab. Topics of research are specific peculiar issues Of almost no importance to those who cross your way Or share your restaurant. Telling life a tale your work to a fresh new ear Brightens up your spirit of young scholar And reactivates your brain from… Continue Reading →

Green protein with glitter

Dear Santa hanging from that balcony Be brave and purify my protein That is really what I want. You know my heart and see the future You know that green protein can really help me. All proteins are equally pretty And with functions of majestic importance But only the green one has glitter on its… Continue Reading →


Why do they hide, The significant values? Digits of no importance repeat And vary with no logic While I chase them And they Like rebellious sheeps Refuse to assemble And form the truth.


Organizing a meeting and fearing its waiting, Its notes, its pauses, And my duty to speak Of minimal details assuming monstrous importance While life goes by.


Giant and buffing the monster has me Again at the door of the achievement. His presence fills my room And lays imperfections on my slides Of no importance While others breath freedom.


The few milliliters that make a difference Make me realize of the importance of moments and gestures. Richness and purpose Can hide in the drops You don’t consider.

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