Sun break

I caress my petals in the sun
And embrace the astonishing landscape
Of water and mountains
Dotted with white fluffy sheep
With short memory.
I turn and stare absorbing the energy
And keep it within.


The sun hits your back
While standing in the gray yard
Waiting for the cigarette to end.
Thoughts of acceptance
Of an uncontrollable wild reality
Are unavoidable
And their daily rejection
Free space in the mind
And in the day.

Office circle

Soundtrack of the office
Are charts and silence
Until the brewing is initiated.
No comments are needed
to gather the people around
The Little kettle on the corner table.
Staring and leaning
We form a circle around the boiling water
And our faces glow in the moment of peace.

Coffee 2

Dubious on the outcome of the day,
I turn to my cup for reassurance
and inspiration.
Natural deep liquid of magic properties,
reveal me my future
or only the next step
not to stumble or turn in circle
but to move forward
impatient as you make me.

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