Christmas saldo

Stepping in the icy air,

This Christmas hours my face

And wakes the memories

Of a whole year


A mosaic of feelings

and events to drop in silence

Lay behind the steps made

for the future.

Fries ode

Tent and steaming,
Golden like the sun,
Fries condense joy of life and child-like behaviours.
Fingers are sticky,
oily stains on my dress,
And a bunch of fries
Like wedding bouquet
in my hands.

Inner shouting

The difficulty of looking inside
Is unimaginable
Yet necessary and necessary of training.
My inner voice head to shout
For me to listen
And no volume switch is in sight.
My ear is gentle and too respectful
Of those voices outside
That talk loud over that whisper.

Surprise not

Climbing the steep road of learning
Feels like a donkeys head
is pushing me from the back
While my feet refuse to start.
No escape is found
And only patience and breathing
Give me the time to give the situation
a chance to surprise me.
Not easy it is to surprise me
And I regret having lost
That quick smile and those glittering eyes
I had as child.

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