Excel reason

Cells and numbers arrange
In a logic reserved to few
And drawing lines
Suggesting actions.
The future is shaped
By those commas and exponentials
And from the numbers,
An innovative way of stepping comes.

Photo story

One click is one situation
I wish to remember and store.
Digital data take on the value
Of vibrant feelings and dear persons
Condensed in a limited second.
No more foggy memories and personal additions
To the story.

Dreaming floating

Taken by a day-long search
For an explanation
To the behaviour of those pet molecules
It is easy to live like in a dream.
Floating over samples
And graphic statistics,
I breath only when the picture is in focus
And has defined borders.
I try not to Forget those little questions
And wanderings
That add corners and colour harmony
To data.

Data speaking

Don’t ask others for advices but
Wait until you can give the best one to yourself.
In silence suspend the judgement
And keep the tempting conclusions at bay.
Keep hanging and enjoy the feeling
Of surprise
For the unseen stranger reality
Your data tell you.

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