Physics of time

It turns and comes back
Today, tomorrow, whenever I watch
This situation of stall
That keeps me wandering and idle.
Time is circular
When problems are involved
And very linear when moving forward is difficult.
Get this physics.

Personal ripening

Refrain from participation,
Observation is the highest way of learning
And critical assessment.
Preserver your opinions
And let them ripen
Far from the others’ sight.
Golden and juicy
You will enjoy them in solitude.


I drop weight,
I drop a baggage full of past
With a rancid taste.
Walking slowly I can pick flowers
for a hopeful basket.

Coffee 2

Dubious on the outcome of the day,
I turn to my cup for reassurance
and inspiration.
Natural deep liquid of magic properties,
reveal me my future
or only the next step
not to stumble or turn in circle
but to move forward
impatient as you make me.

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