Carrot dance

Carrots dance on the window sill
Watching my spaghetti getting dressed
For the party.
I touch and feel
The richness and roughness of the pasta
That brings sun into my home.

Home prize

The arrival home
Is a proper for the intense day
As the boiling stew expects
a smile and a daily achievement.
The day closes sweet and homey
After hours in the artificial world
That takes your breath away.


Always looking forward and nothing is enough
is the trap that takes the flavour away
from your pizza and the chat with your colleague.
A slow typing day, a smooth never-ending coffee,
and a thorough look out the window
gives the time to breath
and find a new horizon.



Yearning silence and a thoughtless mind
I closer my eyes and feel the sun
On my tired old face.
It is a moment only
The one I strive for
Of warmth and cleanliness

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