Open door

Chose your dress carefully today
As you are going to be surprised.
You left the door open to the invisible possibilities
And today someone will enter
Flying or sneaking,
Behind your back,
While at the desk.
Unable to produce opportunities
You can only leave some space for them
And get ready to say ‘ yes’.

Reality hit

Reality hits you
like a pan on the face
when you walk quietly home
or wait for a bus you do not care about.
You will feel its hit
making your eyes wet
and a sad version of your your future
come into focus.
Your legs will rebel and you will search for alternatives
from that moment on.

Mode of action

It is the right time to switch mode of action
And operate differently
Towards the others and your passion.
Control your hands and weigh the richness of their movements
Not to distract the ideas being born
After so much struggle.
A change of focus is recommended,
While envisioning the future
Illusionary Stability.

Job interview

You threw your ball
To the distracted crowd
And wait now for it
To be in the air
It flies back to you
Sometimes covering the reassuring sun
Covered in possibilities and maybes.

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