Definitive not

Definitive is a word
with no time
And little space in my life.
Definite decisions
are always on hold
And dynamically turning on themselves
To find the comfortable spot
In the situation.

Desk mirror

Even this tiny mirror
Can entrap my pride
When choosing what to do
And, this way, be.
Like milestones on the long road,
It will return me the truth
Regularly and unasked.

Story show

My story is apparent
On the skin of my willing hands
And on the edges of my smiling mouth.
I have written thousands of sentences,
Yet none is enough
Or necessary.

Self protection

In this day of treasure hunts and inquisitive looks,
I move slowly asking the people of the lab.
Envy and demands appeared together
But my persona is well defined
And the borders guarded.
Short but sneaky, the human fence
Cannot be fooled.

Time break

The importance of events
Is measured in the time
They demand from us.
Taking the time
Is standing still
And yet it is hard.
Allowing ourselves experiences is a luxury
And a lesson to learn
We all owe to our selves
Running everyday
In fields of discomfort.

Trust your hands and step forward

Years of hypotheses and confrontation
Gave you that idea
Of marvelous potential
And unmeasurable impact
For the people and the society.
You cuddle it in your mind
You question it and lay it to rest
Each day until the right moment.
If it makes sense
If it is feasible
Depends only on you
And your hands and vision.
You prove it
You make it reasonable and accepted
Against the critics and odds of statistics.
Trust your hands and step forward.

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